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“Trump may not care, but others in the party should tread carefully here,” says Jens David Ohlin (PACS).
A government payoff from the TikTok deal sets a "dangerous precedent" say SAP faculty Eswar Prasad.
PACS faculty Sarah Kreps gives her insights into Trump's TikTok deal and the US attempts to disentangle from Chinese tech.
Einaudi's Carl Marks Professor of International Studies Kaushik Basu writes, "Social norms are often more effective than government mandates," in...
“If there is turmoil, you want safety,” says SAP faculty Eswar Prasad as he gives his insights on the decline of the dollar in this Financial Times...
Einaudi faculty Louis Hyman's scholarship on the New Deal informs this NYT op-ed by David Brooks.
Migrations faculty fellow Stephen Yale-Loehr argues that increasing the number of highly skilled foreign workers will help the U.S. recover from its...
EAP faculty Jessica Chen Weiss in the Guardian: “To some extent, the government has been able to use tough talk and bluster to appease domestic...
#SummerPassport webinar (July 24, 2020)
SAP faculty Eswar Prasad quoted in Bloomberg: "“The phase-one trade deal between the U.S. and China hangs by a thread."