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Lessons for Food Security and Sustainability
A new paper advocates for five key principles to enable sustainable expansion of aquaculture in the Amazon. The project received a 2021 seed grant.
Raina Plowright, Migrations
Most pandemics in the past century were sparked by a pathogen jumping from animals to humans. This moment of zoonotic spillover is the focus of a...
Rachel Beatty Riedl, IAD
“Undercutting long-established relationships with partner countries around the world weakens America’s diplomacy and ability to compete with other...
Rachel Beatty Riedl, IAD/Migrations
“Undercutting long-established relationships … weakens America's diplomacy and ability to compete with other global powers,” past Einaudi Center...
Estelle McKee, Migrations
Estelle McKee, clinical professor of law, explains why a federal warrant is not a binding order.
Book by IES Faculty Associate, Isabel Perera
“The Welfare Workforce: Why Mental Health Care Varies Across Affluent Democracies,” an open-access book by Isabel Perera (IES), compares...
Opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students
Several deadlines for funding opportunities are approaching!
Gustavo Flores-Macías, LACS
Gustavo Flores-Macías (A&S, Brooks School) says the announcement is a public relations win for President Trump because it may dissuade...
Karim-Aly Kassam, GPV SAP/PACS
"This is the time not only to dream dangerously but to act strategically with tactics that conserve difference. Pluralism opens up possibilities for...
Wendong Zhang, GPV
Wendong Zhang, assistant professor of applied economics and policy, says “You also need to bear in mind that when the tariff happens, if not most of...