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Latin American Studies Undergraduate Minor

Mama Ines working with two interns in Ecuador

LACS welcomes Cornell undergraduates in all fields of study who are interested in studying and conducting research in Latin America or the Caribbean to apply for the Latin American Studies minor. 

The undergraduate minor in Latin American Studies is earned by completing the following requirements:

Language Requirement

Proficiency in Spanish or Portuguese can be demonstrated in one of two ways: 

  1. By passing a Romance Studies Department CASE language proficiency test at a Q++ level (language proficiency tests are only available at the beginning of each semester, please plan accordingly). However, before taking the CASE exam you need to take the COLLT (Cornell On-Line Language Test) for  Spanish (Questions? Email Sam Lupowitz).
  2.  Successfully completing SPAN 2095 (or one Spanish course at a higher level if you placement tested out of 2095) or PORT 2010 or PORT 2020 language course (FLAC courses count towards the 15 elective credits below but not the minor's language requirement).

Elective Courses

In addition to the language requirement, minor candidates must complete a minimum of 15 credits in approved Latin American Studies elective courses (listed as LATA in the Cornell course catalog). Students must earn a B or higher in these courses. 

  1. Selected courses must represent at least two different departments. LATA 4000 does not count toward this requirement.
  2. Students must complete at least one advanced level course in Latin American studies (3000-4000 level). LATA 4000 does not count toward this requirement.
  3. We don't require, but highly recommend, at least one semester of participation in the LATA 4000 (LACS Seminar Series).

If you would like to petition for a course or a study abroad semester to count towards the minor, please contact LACS to share the course syllabus.

How to Apply

Those who wish to start working towards their LAS minor or have completed only some of the requirements should print, complete and email the PDF Application linked below and email it to and with the subject line "[your name] LAS Minor Application."

Download the PDF Application

Complete the first two pages of general information and return it to and set up an appointment or stop in to speak with the LACS Program Manager at 190C Uris Hall.

Those who have already completed their requirements can apply below using the blue "Apply" button, others should complete the first page of the attached PDF above.

If you believe you have completed all the requirements (usually juniors or seniors), please complete the Minor online application using the Apply link below. 


Interested in a graduate minor? Learn more about the Latin American Studies Graduate Minor. 

Additional Information

Academic Type

  • Minor
