Yousuf Mahid

Graduate student
Yousuf's research agenda focuses broadly on climate change adaptation, forest resource management, conservation, and institutional mechanisms for climate policy formulation. His work investigates the synergies between ecosystem-based adaptation and sustainable development solutions for climate-vulnerable communities, particularly in South Asia. Before joining the program, he worked as a Program Coordinator in the International Center for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) based in Bangladesh. While working at ICCCAD, he provided a contribution on policy advocacy and assisted government officials, particularly of the Planning and Finance Ministries of Bangladesh. Most notably he facilitated the General Economics Division of the Planning Commission in conducting policy research and in producing several reports in order to contribute to the Five-Year Plan and Vision 2041 (national policy documents) of Bangladesh. Similarly, he provided his on-demand research support to the Economic Relations Division of the Ministry of Finance - National Designated Authority to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). After his Ph.D., he aspires to become a faculty and to conduct research in sustainability issues in developing countries. Yousuf received his bachelor of urban and regional planning (B.URP) from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and a master of urban and environmental planning (MUEP) from Arizona State University (ASU). In his spare time, he loves to read books and play table tennis.