Jomarie Alano

Ph.D., Lecturer in History
Jomarie Alano has taught at several area colleges, including Colgate University and Wells College and she has also taught History FWS 1335: Fascisms and History 3662: Women, War, and Peace in Europe, 1900-1950 at Cornell. Jomarie received her A.B. from Cornell in French Literature with an Italian minor. She then went on to receive an M.A. in French Literature from Boston University, an M.B.A. in Finance and Accounting from Cornell, and a Ph.D. in Modern European History from the University of Rochester. Her publications include a biography of Italian Resistance activist Ada Gobetti, entitled A Life of Resistance: Ada Prospero Marchesini Gobetti, 1902-1968 (University of Rochester Press, 2017), and a translation from Italian to English of Ada Gobetti's wartime diary, entitled Partisan Diary: A Woman’s Life in the ItalianResistance (Oxford University Press, 2014). At present, Jomarie is working on a project that will use her father's dairies from World War II, when he was one of many Italian-Americans who served in the 88th Infantry in Italy, as well as her mother's letters from 1943, as a springboard to an analysis of Italian-American life in their hometown of Auburn, New York. Her project will also include references to propaganda through films shown to American servicemen in training, ways in which women served on the home front, restrictions on Italian-Americans during the war, and how the Italians viewed their American Allies.
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- Faculty
- IES Visiting Scholar
- IES Affiliated Regional Scholar