Luigi Einaudi Graduate Dissertation Fellowship

The Luigi Einaudi Graduate Dissertation Fellowship is a semester-long or year-long fellowship available to graduate students in modern European government, history, economics, and related social science fields. The award consists of a graduate student stipend for one or two semesters, in-absentia fees, and enrollment in Cornell's student health insurance plan (SHIP).
This fellowship is designed to enable graduate students to conduct field and archival research focused on Europe for an extended period (4-8 months). To be eligible, applicants must have completed the "A" exam in their department or have an exam date scheduled prior to submitting their application and have a dissertation project approved by their dissertation committee.
- Quality of the research proposal in a social science field
- Validity and feasibility of the applicant’s research project
- Research and professional qualifications
- Strength of the student’s academic performance and letters of recommendation
- 8-10 page project proposal (double-spaced) with bibliography
- 2 letters of recommendation
Contact IES with questions about this award.