Patchen Markell

Associate Professor, Government
Patchen Markell is a political theorist and historian of social and political thought whose research and teaching focuses on European (especially German-language), North American, and transatlantic politics, culture, and philosophy in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. His interests include the power and limits of the idea of democracy; the intersections among geopolitics, capitalism, and racial hierarchy in the postwar world; and the connections among politics, art, aesthetics, and literature. He has worked extensively on Hegel, Marx, and critical theory including and beyond the Frankfurt tradition, as well as on the political thought of Hannah Arendt, and is one of the general editors of the new Critical Edition of Arendt's Collected Works, published in hybrid print and digital format by Wallstein Verlag and the Freie Universität Berlin. With Thomas Wild (Bard College) and Anne Eusterschulte (FU Berlin) he has also launched a new book series, “Reading Arendt Today,” to be published by DeGruyter Brill.