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Eswar Prasad, SAP

Eswar Prasad, professor of international trade policy and economics, talks about a concern that China is building up capacity in new tech sectors and...

Chris Barrett, IAD/SEAP

Chris Barrett, professor of agricultural and development economics, says “They’re a relatively small operation in broader humanitarian-assistance...

Maggie Gardner, Einaudi

Maggie Gardner, professor of international law, explains the differences between Donald Trump and Bernie Madoff's legal cases.

Marina Welker, SEAP

Though they’re banned in the United States and many other countries, clove-laced tobacco cigarettes called “kretek” (referencing the crackling sound...

Christine Bacareza Balance, SEAP/GPV

"Revisiting Apocalypse Now: Hollywood in a Time and Place of Philippine Martial Law" features Global Public Voices alum Christine Bacareza Balance...

Sarah Kreps, PACS

“I think with many big elections coming up this year, it’s not surprising that Facebook is taking yet another step away from politics so that they can...

Eli Friedman, EAP

Eli Friedman, associate professor of global labor and work at Cornell University, said the past mutually beneficial relationship between Beijing and...

Victoria Beard, SEAP/GPV

Victoria Beard, professor of city and regional planning, says “Water sources are depleted around the world. Every year, more cities will face ‘Day...

Jessica Chen Weiss, EAP

In recent years, the party has really become increasingly concerned about what it sees as the roots of the Soviet Union's collapse, said Jessica Chen...

Bryn Rosenfeld, IES

“Russia’s presidential election is not so important as what will come after. Putin has often postponed unpopular moves until after elections,” says...