Abdul Haque Chang

Visiting Scholar
Abdul Haque Chang is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) in Karachi, Pakistan. His ethnographic research focuses on religion, Sufism, music, and environmental anthropology in Sindh, Pakistan, and Java, Indonesia. He is currently working on a book manuscript that explores the concept of "environmental exception" in Sindh, specifically regarding the practice of sacrifice in the context of environmental degradation. Chang has conducted ethnographic research on Sufi music in Sindh, particularly on Shah Jo Raag, a Sufi musical tradition. He studies Javanese Sufism in Indonesia through his project "Jathilan: Performativity and the (Re)Production of Javanese Sacrality." This project highlights how Javanese performance art challenges gender norms and serves as a form of cultural resistance. Currently, he is a visiting scholar at Cornell University.