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"Children of Collapse: El Niño and the Making of Andean Livelihoods," by Javier Puente, LACS Weekly Seminar Series

October 4, 2021

1:00 pm

G-01 Stimson Hall

Often seen solely as a calamity, El Niño Southern Oscillation has impacted the Peruvian Andes for hundreds of years and has (re)shaped the means of agrarian life for Indigenous and campesino peoples. Based on archival and ethnographic work, this presentation discusses how El Niño and its “disasters” — floods, droughts, and mudslides, and others — are also responsible for spurring adaptation, resilience, and different forms of socioenvironmental organization.

Hybrid (speaker in-person for the Cornell Community)

Free and open to the public by Zoom:

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Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies