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Dailes Judge, Oxfam South Africa

"Our continent has 24% of the world’s agricultural land, and 17% of the arable. So why then are we the hungriest in the world and a net food...

Magnus Fiskesjö Anthropology/EAP/SEAP/PACS

There is ongoing confusion about whether “genocide” or “cultural genocide” best describes what is happening in China’s Uyghur region today. Some say...

Cristina Florea, Global Public Voices and IES

“Their relationship with Russia is defined by mistrust,” says Cristina Florea, assistant professor of history. 

Landon Schnabel, GPV Fellow

Landon Schnabel, assistant professor of sociology, writes this opinion piece about why knowing someone’s religion will likely say more about their...

Cristina Florea, Global Public Voices and IES

A Foreign Affairs op-ed from Cristina Florea (IES) explains why empires and nativism don’t mix: "From history, Putin has recycled not those...

Landon Schnabel, GPV

Landon Schnabel, assistant professor of sociology, discusses how gender and socioeconomic status impact healthcare access. 

Jamein Cunningham, Global Public Voice

“It’s too early to say,” says Jamein Cunningham, assistant professor of public policy. “But it’s nice to have numbers that at least, relative to this...

Ian Kysel on Video

Past Global Public Voices fellow Ian Kysel (Cornell Law) talks about his migrations research and advocacy for migrants' rights.

Global Public Voices Fellow Landon Schnabel

A century after Tutankhamun's tomb was opened, Schnabel outlines lessons the pharaohs provide on balancing religion and politics.

Oumar Ba, Global Public Voice Fellow

Oumar Ba, assistant professor of government, co-authors this opinion piece about the way Ukrainian refugees are referenced in comparison to Syrian...